In 2014, a public meeting of Milang residents voted to purchase and restore the historic Milang Lakeside Butter Factory.
By the August of 2016, some funds from the Milang & District Community Association (MADCA) and a generous grant of $325,000 from the Alexandrina Council allowed us to purchase the Butter Factory and Cottage for use by the Milang Community.
The first necessary step is to restore this heritage listed historic icon to the stage where it will represent an on-going community asset into the future.
An Engineer’s Report by the Council advised that there is an initial need for around $300,000 to complete the necessary structural repairs.
A Steering Committee has been formed and is currently developing a wide range of plans and activities to raise the funds needed.
Already the MLBF group has cleaned up the site, run two Garage Sales and collected funds from a wide range of donations by the local communities and other interested people and organisations.
But we still need a lot more funds to restore the building.
All of us can help to raise those funds by becoming involved
- as a MLBF volunteer
- and making a Donation as a
MATE ($25 to $99) DONOR ($100 to $999) or PATRON ($1,000 or more)
More information is available through MOSHCC.
A sincere thank you to all those who have supported us so far with working bees, garage sales, online sales, memberships and generally getting involved.
All fundraising proceeds to the Milang Lakeside Butter Factory Restoration Project.
Upcoming fundraising activities will be published soon.